These are incredible works! Your whole blog is amazing. I wish I could speak something other than English, but as fate would have it, I don't. I do hope you can read a little English so you will understand how much I am intrigued with your work and how grateful I am for your comments on my painting. Peace to you. Cyndy
12 comentaris:
És extraordinària aquesta obra tal i com està ara. Ànim que això promet...i molt!.Per cert, bon any amic Joan!
Hola joan, gracies per veura tan be l `obra, aviat
la deixare acabada.
espero ens veim aviat, en principi anire a Prats.
i molt bon 2010.
You have a great blog!
alexandre, gracias por tu gran!! visita.
Un plaer veure com desenvolupes la teva obra. Encara tens la teva obra exposada a Sabadell? Felicitats pel teu treball!
fantastico movimiento, fantastico
un abrazo
Gràcies, anna, aviat el deixo...
hola juan carlos, es tiempo de movimientos...
hasta pronto.
These are incredible works! Your whole blog is amazing. I wish I could speak something other than English, but as fate would have it, I don't. I do hope you can read a little English so you will understand how much I am intrigued with your work and how grateful I am for your comments on my painting. Peace to you. Cyndy
Preciosa la obra, llena de poesia. ¡Felicidades!
Gracias Cyndy, por tus incleibles comentarios.
hasta pronto.
Gracias ana, por tu visita.
hasta otra.
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